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"Messy Art" with Stacey Cadman | 8-12yrs | 10am-2pm | Tuesday 14th January 2025 | SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAM
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"My Creative Art Journal" with Luke Elliot | 8-12yrs | 10am-2pm | Wednesday 22 January 2025 | SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAM
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"Dream Catcher Sewing" with Stacey Cadman | 8-12yrs | 10am-2pm | Thursday 23rd January 2025 | SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAM
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"Film Photography Workshop" with Joshua Maxwell de Hoog | 13-18yrs | 10am - 3pm Thursday 16th January 2025
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"Art Making & Illustration for Tweens" with Bec Wilson | 8-12yrs | 4-5pm | Commences Monday 3rd February | 8-weeks | Term 1 2025
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"Art Making & Illustration for Teens" with Bec Wilson | 13-18yrs | 5:15pm-6:45pm | Commences Monday 3rd February | 8-weeks | Term 1 2025
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"Anime Character Illustration Workshop for Tweens" with Kaz McGlynn | 8-12yrs | 4-5pm | Commences Tuesday 4th February | 8-weeks | Term 1 2025
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"Anime Character Illustration Workshop for Teens" with Kaz McGlynn | 13-18yrs | 5:15-6:45pm | Commences Tuesday 4th February | 8-weeks | Term 1 2025
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"Sew & Style: Fashion Accessories for Teens" with Simone Amethyst | 13-18yrs | 4:00pm - 5:30pm | Commences Tuesday 11th February | 6-weeks | Term 1 2025
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"Morning Creative Mindfulness" with Sarah Moore & Melissa O'Shea | ADULTS | 10am-11:30am Wednesdays | 6-week series commencing Wednesday 12 February | TERM 1 2025
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"Creative Mindfulness" with Sarah Moore | ADULTS | 7-8:30pm Thursdays | 6-week series commencing Thursday 13 February | TERM 1 2025